Art Club, Grades 7-8 » Art Club, Grades 7-8

Art Club, Grades 7-8

art club banner

The Art Club 7 & 8 meets each month during the second cycle on Day 5 in Rm 114

Why join Art Club?
The purpose of the Art Club is to provide opportunities for students interested in extending knowledge and experience within the arts beyond the regular classroom.  The art club also serves as a social avenue which enables students to meet others with similar interests. Art clubs fulfill a number of other functions as well, such as learning through teamwork and dedication; sharing talents and ideas within a community, volunteering creativity to enhance our environments and exposure to a larger realm of the arts and culture through art making, field trips and community service.
Who can join Art Club?
Any student currently enrolled in PAHS can join Art Club. Art Club for grades 7 & 8 is geared specifically for students in these grades. You should have a general likeness for anything ART related-- creating art, making art, looking at art, appreciating art. You do not have to be a mini-artist to be in art club! 
How to become an Art Club member:

Attend the first meeting and each and every meeting throughout the school year.  The Art Club meets each month during the second cycle on Day 5. Next, when you come to club, be attentive to what the club has going on for the day.  Some days the club may have an art project going on, other days the club may be considering the next activity or project. You might be asked to volunteer for a committee, or sign-up for a project.  Throughout the school year, the art club may organize a public service project, banners for the school, be teacher's helpers, help with fundraising efforts and much more.  Each activity the club chooses to be active with will be represented by a committee.  Committees will have appointed leaders--a chairperson and co-chair that will facilitate the committees actions.  They will also meet outside of general Art Club meetings.  

Need more information????Contact the 7 & 8 Grade Art Club Sponsors.  Mrs. Schultz in Room 114, or Mrs. Green in Room 118