General Guidance Information » Student Assistance Program

Student Assistance Program

Do you see your student or friend showing any of these behaviors?

§  Acting aggressively                                                  

§  Lying

§  Needing money without an explanation                 

§  Sudden lack of interest in school

§  Experimenting with drugs or alcohol                    

§  Defying authority, both at home and at school

§  Withdrawing from family, friends and/or school     

§  Changing friends; no longer spends time with old friends

§  Unexplained physical injuries                                   

§  Talking about suicide

§  Depressed


Are you concerned about your students or your friends reaction to:

§  Recent death of a loved one

§  Divorce of parents

§  Family relocation

§  A relationship problem

§  Other traumatic event


 Contact a S.A.P. Member:   Mrs. Cassidy, Mrs. White, Ms. Hand, Mrs. Overly, Mrs. Pack, Mrs. Hayden, Mrs. Weaver, Mrs. Good, Mrs. Cesairo