Leader in Me Resources for Subs
![LiM Resources](https://3.files.edl.io/5522/24/02/21/134328-9af9088f-74b2-4dc6-9342-ed1c1ef28aba.png)
Welcome to our Leader in Me (LiM) Resources page for substitute teachers at PAHS! Every Wednesday throughout the 2023-24 school year, we have a new LiM lesson/activity that we complete in homerooms during the first 20 minutes of AM STAR Period. For the most part, our teachers and students access these lessons/activities through our Canvas LMS. However, if you are substituting or covering someone's homeroom, we realize that you may not have access to Canvas. So we've created this page to make it easier for our substitute teachers to access our LiM content if you are in our building for LiM Wednesday! You'll find everything you need below, along with any specific instructions/guides that you might need to facilitate these lessons and activities with the homeroom that you are covering. Thank you for helping us support the Leader in Me program at PAHS!
Wednesday, February 21 (Week 19)
Habit 4: Think Win-Win, Part 2
Theme: Mutual Benefit
Substitute Teacher Facilitator Guide
Last week, we introduced Habit 4: Think Win-Win and we looked at it with a focus on the Abundance Mentality, which empowers us with the principles of fairness and abundance. Habit 4 is considered the habit of mutual benefit. This week, we are going to focus on cooperation, not competition.
PREP: Everything you need to facilitate this lesson can be found below! Show the video below and then use the slideshow at the bottom of the page to walk the students step-by-step through the Extreme Tic-Tac-Toe activity!
STEP 1: Show the video below
STEP 2: Use the slideshow below to walk the students through the Extreme Tic-Tac-Toe Activity